Twinkle who??

          I started this blog as a first baby step into, um, well, I’m still trying to figure that out.  For lack of a better explanation, it’s a bit of self-discovery in the writing arena.  I’m still a wee bit skittish and unsure of myself here, so tada, it’s Twinkle time!!  Sometimes some funny things happen around here, or I think of a really cool story to share and I wanted to find my way of telling my story.  My son is too young to decide if he really wants the world to know who he is (or at least the 6 followers I have at this time), and my hubby would probably prefer to spend less time as a guest star in my glitter show.  I can’t help it if he says and does things that share worthy. . .

     And while I know I how to write research papers for college classes, and I always do well on them, my creative writing skills haven’t been stimulated in some time.  So I thought it might be a bit more fun to read about Twinkle, Bdawg, and Buzzsaw then it would be to read another “hey, guess what happened to me today” kind of blog.

Glitter on. . .

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